No more muddy shoes! :D


Finally I am able to go and feed the fish, or get something from the sheds without being covered in mud.  😀

And I got Distinctive Chesterfields to thank you for it – so thank you ever so much!

I was a runner up in their competition, and the prize was £50 Amazon vouchers.  I love vouchers!  Cash always gets used on boring things like bills, but as my mortgage lender isn’t too keen on accepting Amazon vouchers, this was a fab treat.

I wanted to get the book 11/22/63, even had it in my basket… but clearly the book isn’t no-where near £50, so I thought I’d check out chainsaws (!) to see how much they are, and how much I’d needed to add extra on top of my voucher… and there it was, a recommendation on what others have bought – gravel!

I had no idea you could buy gravel on Amazon, nothing I’ve ever considered searching for there… although gravel is something I’ve wanted for a while.  The price was also excellent (I got 3 ton about 5 years ago, and comparing it to what that cost me, my 850kg bag of gravel was cheap!), and included delivery!

Book was removed from the basket – and my big bag of gravel added!  All in all it ended up costing me a measly £7.50, as I had another 50p code.  😀

Delivery was quick, and the chap that came was nice as pie (and I was so jealous of his crane – oh it looked like such fun!), and placed the gravel nicely inside the fence in the front garden.


We’ve always had a problem with the blasted lawn… grass simply won’t grow!!!  Twice we’ve removed all the lawn (this is a massive job) as we find trying to fix patches isn’t working… at the moment there’s a few patches all over that needs some help, and the right side of the garden is currently bare (see pics), and will hopefully be getting some attention soon.

By the steps up to the garden it’s a mud-hole!!!  At some point over the winter we even chucked down kitchen cupboard doors on top of the mud in the hope to save our shoes:


So… although the weather has been terrible, we’ve (read:  The other half with me cheering him on!) managed to dig out the path:


As a bonus, we managed to save some good grass from where we dug the path, and the bit where Boo is standing in the above pic has now finally got grass again.  😀

Aaaaaaand – this is what I now got:



So happy!!!  A massive thank you to Distinctive Chesterfields – as you can see, my little gravel path has been named after them.  (Sign made out of leftover shed cladding)  😀

We still need little lawn borders for it, and the plan is slate.  We know of a massive heap of old discarded roof slates in a forest, so I think it might be those when the weather improves.  Lawn will be getting some attention again, and will hopefully look halfway decent by the time all the flowers start coming out.

There’s a little cross-road by the sheds, and the white bannister pole that you can just about spot by our old shed, I intend to make into a cross road sign.  😀

13 thoughts on “No more muddy shoes! :D

    • Thank you – it’s slowly getting there. 🙂 Next is a water feature to be installed on a patch between the two sheds, and the the lawnborder… after that it should just be to fix to grass and wait for flowers to grow. 😀

    • 😀 I know – I never would have thought to look for gravel there. 😀 But it showed whilst looking at one of the chainsaws – and a huge “oh yes!” popped up in my head. 😀

      When I got my gravel for the front garden a few years ago, it cost me £190 for three ton, but it didn’t come in bags (would have been so handy) – was just tipped from the back of a truck – so we had to deal with it right there and then. So well chuffed with both the price and that it came in a bag.

      Cheers – I love making wee signs. Looking forward to doing the cross-road sign… it will point to the house, the new shed and the old shed. I’m playing around with “Home”, “East of Eden” and “True North” at the moment, but the “destinations” on the sign might change before I get around to painting it. 😀

      • Sometimes I think the “suggestions” are more helpful than any of my searches on Amazon. That site has become my new shopping addiction (but could be worse). Looking forward to seeing it all with the lovely flowers and crossroad sign. I think part of the fun with making things like that is playing around with just all the options 🙂

      • I was so impressed, and will still keep my eye on the chainsaws now and then. 🙂

        I love doing the little things in the garden… cutting the grass and weeding I leave to the other half, hate that sort of stuff… This evening I painted two pots yellow and hung a lantern in the tree, whilst the other half dug a hole for the watertank for our water feature that’s between the sheds.

        If the weather keeps, other half’s got Sun, Mon and Tues off (I just got a quick hospital appointment) so we’re hoping to get everything finished, including making a pergola, and then it’s just to sit back and wait for the flowers. 😀

    • No – thank you! Thank you so much! This was a fabulous treat for us… something we really wanted, but didn’t really need – so we’re absolutely over the moon. 😀

      Feel free to share – it’s thanks to you it’s here. 😀 😀 😀

      Again – thank you so much – you’ve saved our shoes, and also put a giant smile on our faces – as the garden looks so much nicer!

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